Kontrolni popis za reviziju web stranice uključuje 7 ključnih stavki za osiguranje kvalitete i funkcionalnosti: nadzor posjetitelja, robots.txt, sigurnost, sadržaj, brzinu, mobilnu kompatibilnost i pristupačnost. Redovita revizija poboljšava korisničko iskustvo.
Već imate promet na vašoj web stranici, ali broj posjetitelja je manji nego što ste očekivali. Identificiranjem slabih točaka vaše web stranice možete dramatično povećati promet. Kako bi održavali svoj broj posjetitelja stranice, LiveAgent-ov marketinški tim je sastavio kontrolni popis koraka koje periodično revidiramo.
To je logički popis svih zadataka koje morate uraditi kako bi osigurali da vaša web stranica funkcionira najbolje što može. Vaša revizija je sustavna inspekcija funkcionalnosti web stranice. Prođite kroz ovaj kontrolni popis redovno i osigurajte visoki kvalitetu vaše web stranice.
Web stranica je lice vašeg poslovanja. Svaki vlasnik poduzeća to zna. Kroz web stranicu ljudi formiraju mišljenje o vašem proizvodu i biraju hoće li ga kupiti ili ne. U očima potencijalnih klijenata, kvaliteta web stranice je u izravnoj vezi s kvalitetom kompanije i njenih proizvoda. Stoga, redovno održavanje vaše stranice je ključno.
Ne želite ugroziti vaše poslovne objektive zanemarivanjem stvari koje se mogu obaviti. A pošto dosadni tehnički problemi kao što su klikabilni elementi koji ne rade, dupli sadržaj, pokvarene poveznice ili loša tehnička izvedba šalju pogrešne signale, nastojte ih izbjeći. S ovim popisom za reviziju stranice, možete biti sigurni da ste sve uradili i provjerili.
Klijente je količina izbora razmazila i očigledno je njihovo očekivanje da web stranica bude visokokvalitetna. Jedno negativno iskustvo na web stranici može biti grubo kažnjeno napuštanjem stranice i napuštanjem vašeg proizvoda. Zašto to ne izbjeći, ako je moguće? Ako redovno revidirate vašu web stranicu klijenti će dobiti ono što očekuju od dobre web stranice, brzinu, vrijedan sadržaj, jasnoću i pristupačnost preko bilo kojeg uređaja.
Tim korisničke podrške
Visokokvalitetna web stranica pravi ogromnu razliku za tim korisničke podrške. Ne samo zato što je postojanje live chata ili live pozivnog centra na vašoj web stranici najvažniji klikabilni element za kontaktiranje agenta korisničke podrške. Nego i zato što vaša web stranica može sadržavati bazu znanja, osnažujući vaše klijente da sami nađu potrebne informacije. Dajte vašim klijentima osjećaj neovisnosti i lakoće u pronalasku informacija i istovremeni skinite teret s leđa vašeg tima za korisničku podršku.
Tim prodaje
Dobra web stranica ima točne informacije o proizvodu i transparentne cijene. Prodajni tim je efikasniji kada ima prave alate pri ruci, a besprijekorno iskustvo pretrage web stranice poboljšava stopu konverzije.
It is important that your website evolves in a systematic way over time, leading to higher traffic and a better user experience. When building a rapid website, mistakes can be made easily, so we use tools to automate the monitoring and auditing of the website. It is not possible to manually manage large websites once they reach a certain size.
Five tools help us understand what’s happening on our website every day. Here are some of the ways we monitor our website:
The Google search console is the most important tool we use daily to monitor the quality and performance of our websites.
Try using the following Google search query to find out if Google knows about all the pages on your website: site:[your domain] (example: site:www.liveagent.com). Google’s search results show how many pages are indexed:
Set a path to your sitemap in the Sitemaps section of your website so that Google can see every page of your website:
The Google search console accurately detects all significant errors and suggests improvements on your website, including pagination errors, technical errors, and 404 errors:
As part of the daily audit process, monitor the performance of your website based on keywords used by your visitors. Understand what visitors search for before they visit your page:
Google analytics is a free website tracking tool and platform that collects data on how users interact with your website. As the data is collected, Google analytics sorts it into easy-to-read interactive reports, which are what we see on the platform. Analytical reports enable us to understand how our visitors behave and adapt our content strategy accordingly.
UrlsLab helps us to make quick visual audit of all our pages in one place. One of the main features of this tool is that it takes screenshots of all pages of our domain once a day as well as keeping track of those screenshots. Website screenshots enable us to see changes in our design over time and compare them pixel by pixel. Furthermore, it records and logs all javascript errors triggered in the browser console, which helps our web developers to develop error-free pages.
Easily scroll through your domain and immediately spot the design errors. You can see the real-time rendering in URLslab:
Changes to each URL are recorded:
We monitor our infrastructure with multiple internal tools, but it is always good to have independent external tool, which notifies you immediately once your page is not accessible. One of the simplest free tools is uptimerobot.com.
Ahrefs.com makes it possible for us to monitor the position of our landing pages in the Google Search results for keywords relevant to our business. With the exception of keyword monitoring, we use the Site Audit tool to identify all HTML/CSS errors generated by our copywriters, translators or developers on a daily basis.
A search engine crawler’s first stop when crawling your website is the file www.example.com/robots.txt. Make sure your robots.txt and sitemap are always accessible with the proper format.
To test our robots.txt file we use robots.txt Tester tool
A proper robots.txt file should contain directive Sitemap pointing to the sitemap of your website. Example:
Sitemap: /sitemap_index.xml
For validation of sitemap we use Google Search Console Sitemap status:
Use SSL Certificate – Having an SSL certificate is a must. Secure websites (https vs. http) rank higher than websites without SSL. There are numerous authorities that issue SSL certificates, but we rely on Letsencrypt, a free service.
Validate SSL Certificate – Make sure you have a valid and strong SSL certificate on your website. For SSL certificate validation we use tools from SSL Labs
Malware check – You don’t want to host compromised content on your website. Our site audit includes a Google Transparency Report check.
Only unique and valuable content will be considered by Google when ranking your page higher in search results.
Prior to optimizing existing content or creating new content, remove all low-quality content from your domain. By removing low-quality content, you can improve traffic and save resources needed for maintenance and translations.
Whether your content team has to handle 100 pages of high quality or 20.000 pages of moderate quality makes a huge difference. Low-quality content will consume a lot of resources, such as translating your website into multiple languages and maintaining internal links.
How to identify pages with low quality?
To understand how Google rates the quality of the content read general guidelines for search quality rating process.
Google considers your page’s page speed, along with content quality, to be one of its most important ranking signals. Your visitors will not wait for more than 3-5 seconds for the page to load. If it doesn’t deliver on time, they will go to another website to find answers.
How to monitor page speed?
Monitor page speed with Google Analytics Site Speed Report. This tool helps you identify the slowest pages, geographical regions and browsers that deliver your content slowly.
How to improve the page speed?
PageSpeed Insights have the most comprehensive recommendations on how to speed up your page, but here are our top recommendations on how to keep your page fast::
Google offers multiple tools to check compatibility of your web page design with mobile platforms. One of them is Mobile-Friendly Test. After entering your URL, you get an instant compatibility result.
Mobile Usability Report in Google Search Console is another tool we use periodically for monitoring mobile usability. The report gives us detailed recommendations on how to improve mobile usability errors detected by Google during crawling.
The most critical parts of our website are tested periodically using BrowserStack to simulate a wide variety of mobile platforms and operating systems. It is an essential tool primarily for development, but we also find it helpful during standard mobile compatibility checks.
As part of our commitment to making our website accessible to individuals with disabilities, we evaluate it in WebAIM, a free tool for evaluating website accessibility standards, on an as-needed basis.
Kontrolni popis za odredišnu stranicu
Otkrijte kako optimizirati svoju odredišnu stranicu uz naš kontrolni popis! Naučite kreirati jasan sadržaj, privlačne CTA gumbe, koristiti slike i video, te poboljšati UX za više konverzija. Posjetite LiveAgent za detaljne smjernice i maksimizirajte uspjeh vaše stranice!
Kontrolni popis za obuku agenata korisničke službe
Otkrijte kako osposobiti svoje agente korisničke službe uz naš kontrolni popis! Naučite najbolje savjete za pružanje izvrsne usluge, rješavanje pritužbi i praćenje napretka. Poboljšajte zadovoljstvo kupaca i osigurajte da vaši agenti budu spremni za svaki izazov.
Otkrijte raznolike kontrolne popise na LiveAgentu za organiziranje poslovnih procesa. Bez obzira trebate li pomoć u postavljanju društvenih medija, uključivanju SaaS klijenata, pokretanju podcasta ili dubinskoj analizi klijenata, naši popisi će vam olakšati posao i povećati učinkovitost. Idealno za timove korisničke službe, marketinške stručnjake i HR regrutere. Posjetite nas i unaprijedite svoj radni tijek!
Kontrolni popis za regrutiranje službenika korisničke službe
Otkrijte sve ključne korake za regrutiranje idealnog službenika korisničke službe uz naš kontrolni popis. Od postavljanja uvjeta i objave oglasa do testiranja vještina i komunikacijskih sposobnosti, sveobuhvatno pratite HR politiku i objektivne kriterije izbora kako biste osigurali uspješnu regrutaciju. Posjetite stranicu za detaljne smjernice i pronađite savršenog kandidata za vašu tvrtku!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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