Predlošci B2C e-maila s preporukama ključni su za referalni marketing, potičući kupce putem poticaja, natječaja i programa. Pozitivna usmena predaja povećava prodaju, a studije slučaja ističu važnost korisničke podrške.
Brojna istraživanja su dokazala da se ljudi, kada je riječ o kupnji, oslanjanju na preporuke. Štoviše, 83% sretnih, zadovoljnih kupaca su spremni preporučiti isto svojim prijateljima i obitelji(ali samo njih 29% zapravo to čini, zato što ostatak nikad nije dobio priliku, odnosno nije upitan o istom).
To čini referarlni marketing neprocijenjivim alatom za rast poduzeća i poticanje prihoda. Zapravo, referalni marketing (također poznat i kao marketing od usta do usta) jedna je od najstarijih, ali i dalje najučinkovitijih i najisplativijih marketinških strategija koje koriste i B2C i B2B poduzeća. Evo zašto je referalni marketing važan, zajedno s 10 predložaka e-maila s preporukama koje možete koristiti u vlastitim referalnim marketinškim kampanjama.
We’re excited to share that [Brand’s Referral Program Name] Referral Program is launching really soon!
With [Referral Program Name] the friends you refer to get 20% OFF their first purchase, while you get 20% of their first purchase credited to your [Referral Program Name] account. You can then use your credits towards more purchases at
There’s no limit on the number of friends you can refer, so you can invite all your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter friends and practically SHOP FREE at!
Please check back or join our mailing list to be notified of the launch date. Terms and conditions are subject to change prior to the launch date. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
See you soon!
We noticed that you recently [activity done]. We’d like to invite you to our referral program where you can get [rewards] just for referring your friends to our website.
We have also recently improved our program to include more referral options. Now, you can email, tweet, and share your thoughts about our brand on Facebook. To do this, simply [provide instructions].
The best part? Everything is carefully tracked so you can be sure you’ll get your [reward] each time someone you refer makes a purchase at
Questions? Don’t hesitate to ask and someone friendly from our customer care team will get back to you with an answer.
You asked for better incentives to invite friends to [Company name]. We heard you! So how about [customized rewards]?
With our new, improved program, you’ll get [customized rewards] for every friend you refer. It’s that easy! We’ve also added other referral options – now you can refer friends through Facebook, Twitter, and other channels.
If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
My name is [Your name] and I’m with [Your company name]. We love your posts on [insert topic that relates to your brand’s purpose]. We believe your [insert a reference to a topic they post about or specific posts] really aligns with our brand’s mission.
That’s why we’d love to invite you to become a part of our Brand Ambassador Program! As an ambassador, you can earn commission-based, cash-reward for each purchase of any product from friends in your social networks.
Set up your referral account
Share a coupon code with your friends
Your friends receive a 10% discount on a one-time purchase
You earn a 10% commission on your friends’ purchases
The more they buy, the more you earn
If you have any questions – we’d be happy to answer them.
Thank you!
Referring friends to [Brand] just got even sweeter! For the entire [month], we’re running a friendly referral competition where our top [Brand] ambassadors will win awesome prizes for helping us spread the word about [products].
We want everyone to really have a chance to win. Our top referrer wins [prize 1], second place wins [prize 2], and third place wins [prize 3]. If you haven’t referred yet, there’s still time!
Let’s start 2021 off right by spreading the [Brand] love far and wide. Click here to see the leaderboard and get all the details.
Good luck!
Sharing is caring, so why not share the [Brand] love with your friends? Spread the word about your favorite [products] and enjoy great discounts for you and your friends.
For every friend that makes a purchase (they must click on the referral link below) you will get 20% OFF your next purchase at – your friends will get 10% OFF their first purchase. It’s a win-win!
Forward this link to your friends: referral link
Or share it online: Share on Facebook/ Share on Twitter
Happy sharing!
You like [Brand’s products].
You know people.
Refer [Brand’s products] to people you know.
Those people place orders.
Those people get a 10% discount on their first order.
You get free [products] each time someone makes a purchase.
The sky’s the limit!
No catch. Just people helping people discover the most [key characteristics of your products].
Questions? Let us know and we’ll get back to you immediately.
Happy referring!
Did you know that you can get account credits for referrals?
Simply share your personal referral code link [referral link] or click the button below to invite your friends from [Brand]’s dashboard. We will give them $** in account credits and reward you with $** for each referral who accumulates $** in billings.
Here’s the best part: there’s no limit to how many people you can refer.
Happy sharing!
Share your love for [Brand/ products] with your friends, and you’ll both get rewarded.
Here’s how it works:
Forward this email to your friends with the referral link below, which will send them a coupon for $** OFF their first purchase of $** or more.
Share the referral offer with your friends on Facebook or Twitter by clicking the icons below.
Every time a friend makes their first purchase, you’ll earn $** cash via PayPal.
The more friends you refer – the more cash you earn!
SHARE: Referral link / Facebook/ Twitter
Go forth and prosper!
When you share our name with your friends and family, you’re also helping support a local charity.
For each referral you send our way, we will donate $10 to our current charity. Your name will also be entered into a quarterly drawing – the winner will receive a $*** gift card!
CURRENT CHARITY: [Name of the charity]
Share your referral link to get started: referral link
Show Details
Thank you for your support!
B2C je kratica za Bussiness-to-Consumer. B2C e-mail se koristi za prenošenje informacija o proizvodima tvrtke, uključujući informacije o cijenama, dostupnosti te isporuci.
B2C kratica za Business-to-Consumer( relacija Poduzeće-Potrošač).
Kada pišete e-mailove s preporukom kupca, imajte na umu da je prezentacija koju izvodite jednako važna kao i riječi koje odaberete. E-mail s preporukom vaša je prilika da svoje proizvode i usluge predstavite novom kupcu.
Predlošci e-pošte za preporuku e-trgovine
Predlošci e-pošte za preporuku e-trgovine pomažu privući nove kupce i povećati prodaju uz personalizaciju i AI. Isprobajte ih sada!
Predlošci e-pošte za prodaju proizvoda
Prilagodljivi predlošci e-pošte za prodaju proizvoda! Povećajte prodaju u e-trgovini uz učinkovite kampanje. Isprobajte besplatno u LiveAgentu!"
Predlošci e-pošte za e-trgovinu
Poboljšajte prodaju uz prilagodljive predloške e-pošte za e-trgovinu! Isprobajte besplatno i zadržite klijente uz LiveAgent.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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