Predlošci e-mailova za Black Friday i Cyber Monday pomažu poduzećima u isticanju u inboxima klijenata. LiveAgent nudi 10 prilagodljivih predložaka i savjeta za uspješne BFCM kampanje, osiguravajući otvaranje i čitanje promotivnih poruka.
Black Friday i Cyber Monday (BFCM) su poznati kao jedne od najvećih i najprofitabilnijih događaja u godini za većinu poduzeća. Većina e-Commerce trgovaca na malo, kao i veleprodajnih trgovaca ih vide kao odličnu priliku da povećaju svoje prihode – i imaju dobar razlog za to. Prema analitičarima iz Adobe-a, samo u 2020. godini, potrošači iz Ujedinjenih Američkih država su potrošili 9 milijardi dolara putem internetske prodaje za Black Friday, što je porast od 21.6% u odnosu na prethodnu godinu. U međuvremenu, Cyber Monday je donio 10.8 milijardi dolara potrošnje putem interneta, što je za 15.1% više u odnosu na prethodnu godinu. Vlasnici Shopify trgovina su, na globalnoj razini, kolektivno zaradili nestvarnih 5.1 milijardu dolara putem prodaje u periodu između Black Friday-a i Cyber Monday-a, što je porast od 76% u odnosu na prethodnu godinu.
Kada je u pitanju planiranje vaših promocija Crnog petka i Cyber ponedjeljka, jedan od glavnih izazova je natjecanje s desecima sličnih e-poruka i isticanje u pretincu pristigle pošte vaših klijenata i potencijalnih klijenata. Evo nekih od najučinkovitijih redaka predmeta e-pošte za Crni petak i Cyber ponedjeljak, zajedno s 10 predložaka e-pošte koje možete prilagoditi svojim BFCM kampanjama kako biste osigurali otvaranje i otvaranje promotivnih e-poruka čitati. Lako ih je implementirati u vaš sustav izdavanja ulaznica tako da možete uštedjeti dragocjeno vrijeme tijekom većeg opterećenja ulaznicama.
Hi [Name],
We know it’s hard to find the perfect [products you sell]. Here at, we’re offering a huge selection of [products] for all [tastes/ styles/ occasions/ budgets/ needs, etc.]
Already found something but it’s too expensive? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! We’re preparing something special this Black Friday … and the week before!
Sign up to get early access to our Black Friday sale and get up to 30% OFF nearly everything.
Get Your Black Friday Promo Code Now
Hi [Name],
There are only two weeks left till Black Friday and we hope you’re just as excited as we are.
In fact, we’re so excited that we’ll be adding more deals as we get closer to the BIGGEST shopping day of the year, available a week BEFORE Black Friday!
Why don’t you mark your calendar on [date] so you don’t miss out on our special sales?
See you soon,
Hi [Name],
We know, the last days before Black Friday seem to drag on forever. So we’ve decided to start our biggest sale now, 3 days before everyone else!
Enjoy up to 50% OFF on all your favorite products, plus, FREE shipping and an extra 10% OFF orders over $***.
Happy shopping!
Hey [Name],
Let’s not waste any time – you know exactly why you’re here. Our crazy Black Friday sale starts NOW! Shop hundreds of [products] at up to 50% OFF sitewide before they sell out. Treat yourself because you deserve it!
Happy Black Friday!
Hi [Name],
All good things must come to an end. Our Black Friday celebration and the biggest sale of the year are almost over. And we’ve saved the best for the last! Check out our final Black Friday deals with up to 70% off! Believe us – these are the best deals on [products] you could possibly get!
Offer expires midnight, [date]
Hurry up before we kiss our sale goodnight.
Thank you so much for celebrating Black Friday with us, [Name]!
Did you get everything you wanted? Enjoyed our FREE shipping? Not yet? Madness!
Don’t worry – Black Friday may be over but our sale is still on! You still have a chance to take advantage of our discounts on hundreds of amazing [products]. Simply use this unique promo code to get 25% OFF your order: CODE
Offer expires on [date]
Happy shopping!
Hi [Name],
Black Friday is around the corner, so we’re dropping our prices like never before for an entire week!
Still looking for an affordable all-in-one [customer service/ CRM/ marketing automation, etc.] software with [key feature 1], [key feature 2], and [key feature 3]? You’re in luck! Starting tomorrow and up to [date], you can get 25% OFF your first month with [Product name].
Does this deal sound good to you? Wait, there’s even a better one! If you choose any of our annual subscription plans, the Black Friday offer can be stacked on top of our usual annual discount. This way, you can enjoy 45% OFF your first year.
Use the promo code: [CODE]
This limited-time offer expires on [date]. Grab it before it’s gone!
Have questions or need help choosing the right plan for your business? Just let us know by replying to this email.
Happy Black Friday!
Shhh! This email is for you ONLY! We are rewarding our favorite customers with an advanced notice for our Cyber Monday sale. Everyone else will have to wait, but for you, the sale starts today!
As a form of thanks, we’re offering our VIPs an exclusive 50% OFF all [products] sitewide starting from [date] through the end of [date]. That’s right, you get a massive 50% discount on everything we sell! Treat yourself or the people you care about with some of the best [products] this holiday season.
Shop Now to Get 50% OFF
Enjoy your Cyber Monday shopping!
This is your LAST chance to take advantage of our Cyber Monday sale where you can save 25% or MORE on all [Product/ Service] subscription plans!
>>> Save with the Cyber Monday Sale here! <<<
Once the clock strikes 11:59 pm EST tonight, this deal is going to disappear! To keep it real with you, we NEVER do sales like this, so I can’t tell you when (or if!) you’ll get savings like this again.
As a quick reminder, here’s what you can snag with this awesome sale:
Basic plan: [key features] – Save 25%
Standard plan: [key features] – Save 25%
Pro plan: [key features] – Save 30%
Need help choosing the right plan? Start a chat with our support ninjas and they’ll come up with the best advice.
Hi [Name],
Thank you for your purchase this Cyber Monday! Your order is already on its way and we truly hope you’ll enjoy your new [product purchased].
Even though Cyber Monday is over, we’ve still got some great deals available for you. You can get 30% OFF our entire new collection with this coupon code: CODE
Offer valid through [date]
To more amazing deals in the future!
Free 30-day trial with no credit card input?
That's right! Save our Black Friday and Cyber Monday email templates and start sending them out directly from LiveAgent. Find out just how easy it is today!
Predlošci za marketinški email
Otkrijte moćne predloške za marketinške emailove na LiveAgentu koji će vam pomoći privući i zadržati klijente te povećati prodaju. Pregledajte i prilagodite 10 ključnih predložaka za vaše kampanje. Isprobajte besplatno i unaprijedite svoj email marketing uz LiveAgent softver.
Predlošci e-pošte za e-trgovinu
Poboljšajte prodaju uz prilagodljive predloške e-pošte za e-trgovinu! Isprobajte besplatno i zadržite klijente uz LiveAgent.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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