Članak objašnjava korištenje email predložaka za korisnički portal, uključujući primjere za potvrde, resetiranje lozinke i pozivnice. Ističe važnost brzine slanja emailova i prednosti uštede vremena i dosljednog formatiranja.
Svaki put kada klijent pošalje tiket o korištenju vašeg proizvoda ili usluge, vaše osoblje mora odgovoriti na njega i gubiti dragocjeno vrijeme koje je moglo potrošiti na ostale zadatke. Međutim, to ne mora biti tako. Zašto?
Nisu svi upiti o proizvodima toliko kompleksni da zahtijevaju pažnju agenta korisničke službe. Velik broj problema može biti riješen od strane postojećih korisnika ako organizacija ima funkcionalan korisnički portal.
Korisnički portal je samoposlužna platforma koja omogućava klijentima dijeljenje informacija, traženje rješenja za vlastite probleme u svako doba te samostalno postavljanje upita. On nudi klijentima pristup web stranici na kojoj mogu otvarati i kreirati teme, ažurirati kontakt informacije, konzultirati se s bazom znanja, preuzimati resurse, pregledati prijašnje objave ili dijeliti znanje s ostalim korisnicima.
Također možete postaviti stranicu s često postavljanim pitanjima o tvrtki gdje korisnici mogu pronaći odgovore na svoja uobičajena pitanja. To ne samo da ih osnažuje za rješavanje manjih problema, već i oslobađa vaše osoblje korisničke službe.
Međutim, jednom kada izgradite ovaj portal, morate ga i promovirati među vašim klijentima, provesti ih kroz proces kreiranja računa korisničkog portala i na kraju, ohrabriti klijente da postanu aktivni korisnici.
Slanje pomno sastavljene email komunikacije je najefikasniji način za:
Korištenje email predložaka za korisnički portal će vam pomoći da kontaktirate svoje klijente i uvjerite ih da se pridruže korisničkom portalu koji ste kreirali baš za njih. Ovaj članak je prikupio primjere različitih vrsta poruka za svaki stupanj efikasne komunikacije korisničke službe, te dodatno, moćne primjere naslova za emailove korisničke službe.
Email predložak je email u HTML formatu koji možete koristiti za kreiranje vlastitih poruka, zamjenjujući predloženi sadržaj s vlastitim. SendPulse nudi više od 130 besplatnih predložaka, spremnih za korištenje.
Email predložak vam omogućuje kreiranje email kampanja zamjenom slika, teksta, fontova i drugim elemenata. Galerija email predložaka unutar SendPulsea je podijeljena u tematske sekcije, tako da možete pronaći predložak koji vam najviše odgovara.
Umjesto kreiranja email predloška iz ničega, možete lako postaviti vlastite slike, promijeniti tekst i izabrati novi bitan sadržaj za vaše pretplatnike. Ne morate gubiti vrijeme dizajnirajući i razmišljajući koji format je najbolji.
Svaki put kada kreirate novi email predložak iz ničega, morate napraviti provjeru grešaka. Uvijek postoji rizik od izostavljanja važnih dijelova ili grešaka u formatiranju. Korištenje predloška osigurava da vaš email izgleda isto kao i njegov pregled.
Kratki verifikacijski email – predložak 1
You’ve registered for [company name] customer portal. Before you can use your account, you need to verify that this is your email address by clicking the following link: [link]
Kind Regards, [company]
Kratki verifikacijski email – predložak 2
We just need to verify your email address before you can access your customer portal account.
Verify your email address here [verification link]
Thanks! – The [company] team
Kratki verifikacijski email – predložak 3
You’re almost ready to start enjoying our customer portal.
Simply click the big [color] button below to verify your email address.
Best, [company]
Predložak za verifikacijski email koji naglašava vrijednost
Are you ready to get access to all the useful info that we’ve prepared for you?
Complete your registration by clicking on the button below!
This link will verify your email address, and then you’ll officially be a part of our customer portal community.
See you there!
Best regards, the [company] team
Predložak za verifikacijski email s poveznicom za potvrdu
Thanks for registering for our customer portal!
We need a little more information to complete your registration, including a confirmation of your email address.
Click below to confirm your email address:
If you have problems, please paste the above URL into your web browser.
Thanks, the [company] team
Jednostavni predložak za email dobrodošlice
Thank you for joining our customer portal community!
We are [one sentence that describes your organization best]. We’re happy that you will get [the value a recipient will get by learning more about your product/service].
We believe that our customer portal will make your life easier. We hope you enjoy it!
If you need anything from us, remember that we’re at your disposal.
The [company] team
Predložak za email dobrodošlice s pozivom na akciju
I’m absolutely thrilled that you’ve decided to give our customer portal a try. If you need to contact the team or me, feel free to do so at any time.
The best way to start using our customer portal is to [the next step users should take].
So if you haven’t done that already, get started now!
Have a great day,
The [company] Team
Informativni predložak za email dobrodošlice
Welcome to [company] customer portal. Our platform is powered by [unique characteristics of your customer portal, e.g. knowledge from our top-notch experts in customer service] to help you with [user pain point].
Here’s a quick look at what to expect:
• [Link to customer portal article/manual 1]
• [Link to customer portal article/manual 2]
• [Link to customer portal article/manual 3]
We share the latest news about our [product/service], tips and tricks for customers, our experiments, and battle-tested solutions.
Zero spam, just our best content.
The [company] team
Predložak za kratki email potvrde
Thank you for joining our customer portal.
We’d like to confirm that your account was created successfully, and you can now start accessing it.
If you have any issues with logging into your account, reach out to us at [email address].
The [customer portal] team
Predložak za email potvrde kao zahvalu za završetak registracije
Thank you for completing your customer portal registration.
This email is t to confirm that your account is active and that you are now officially part of the [customer portal] family.
The [company] team
“Radujemo se…” predložak za email potvrde
Thank you for creating a [customer portal] account. We look forward to reading your first posts.
See you around!
The [customer portal] team
Predložak za email potvrde s poveznicama na resurse
We’re happy that another incredible person (you) joined our community.
To get started, try out these three simple tasks that will help you understand our platform:
Task 1 [for example, login]
Task 2 [for example, create an entry]
Task 3 [for example, use a basic feature]
Remember to check out our tutorials [link] and sign up for your first 10 lessons on how to use the [customer portal] platform.
Thank you for joining, let’s make great things happen together!
The [company] team
Email za resetiranje lozinke – predložak 1
Reset my password [link]
If you did not forget your password, you can safely ignore this email.
The [company] team
Email za resetiranje lozinke – predložak 2
Somebody requested a new password for the [customer portal] account associated with [email].
No changes have been made to your account yet.
You can reset your password by clicking the link below.
If you did not request a new password, please let us know immediately by replying to this email.
The [company] team
Email za resetiranje lozinke – predložak 3
You recently requested to reset the password for your [customer portal] account. Click the button below to proceed.
If you did not request a password reset, please ignore this email or reply to let us know. This password reset is only valid for the next 30 minutes.
Thanks, the [customer portal] team
Email za resetiranje lozinke – predložak 4
If you did not request a password change, please feel free to ignore this message.
If you have any comments or questions, then don’t hesitate to reach us at [email to customer portal support team]
Please feel free to respond to this email. It was sent from a monitored email address, and we would love to hear from you.
The [company] team
Email za povratne informacije – predložak 1
[X] days ago, you created an account at [customer portal], and you’ve been an active user ever since.
We’d love to get your feedback on the platform! Give us a rating by clicking on the stars below:
Kind regards,
The [customer portal] team
Email za povratne informacije – predložak 2
Thanks for using [customer portal].
Please tell us about your experience by completing this 30-second survey. Your feedback helps us create a better experience for yourself and other [customer portal] users.
Let us know how it goes!
– The [customer portal] team
Email za povratne informacije – predložak 3
Your feedback means a lot to us. We constantly strive to provide a flawless experience for our customers, and your input helps us do so.
With that in mind, we would really appreciate it if you could take a minute to share your feedback on the portal.
We hope to see you soon at [customer portal]
Best regards, [customer portal team member’s name]
Email za povratne informacije – predložak 4
Help us shape the [customer portal] experience by taking this survey.
Your feedback is very important to us and will help us make the portal better, so we hope you will take a few minutes to answer our questions.
We appreciate your time and feedback!
The [customer portal] team
Email pozivnica – predložak 1
We’ve given you access to our portal so that you can manage your journey with us and get to know all the possibilities offered by [product/service].
If you want to create an account, please click on the following link: [link]
The [customer portal] team
Email pozivnica – predložak 2
How much time are you spending [dealing with a customer pain point]? I bet it’s too much!
[product/service] is an intuitive [purpose of your product/service] tool that will help you drive meaningful results on [issue your product/service helps with], and give you more time to focus on other areas of your [sector] strategy, such as [one of the activities].
We’re so happy that you’re taking [company] for a spin, and we’d love it if you create a customer portal account to join our user community!
We’ll walk you through the platform and share our best tips and tricks first.
Then you can start learning more about [product/service] and, when you feel like it, contribute to the community and share your own knowledge.
Register Now
The [customer portal] team
Email pozivnica – predložak 3
It’s time to focus on other things! We created [customer portal] so that you can get to know [product/service] and spend less time dealing with [pain point].
Join our portal to learn:
[benefit 1]
[benefit 2]
[benefit 3]
Here’s what some other [users of your customer portal] are saying:
[Testimonial 1]
[Testimonial 2]
[Register now]
The [customer portal] team
Ready to create your customer portal?
LiveAgent is the most reviewed and #1 rated help desk software for small to medium-sized businesses. Try it today with our free 30-day trial. No credit card required.
Otkrijte sve ključne značajke korisničkog portala na LiveAgentu, uključujući bazu znanja, korisničke forume, povratne informacije, i još mnogo toga. Saznajte kako odabrati pravi softver za vaš portal i poboljšajte iskustvo korisničke podrške. Isprobajte besplatno i unaprijedite svoju korisničku službu već danas!
Predlošci za politiku korisničke službe
Kreiranje politike za korisničku službu možda djeluje dosadno, ali je ključno za pružanje najbolje podrške. Pogledajte ove predloške za politiku korisničke službe koji će vam uštedjeti vrijeme!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Naša web stranica koristi kolačiće (cookie). Ukoliko nastavite, smatramo kako ste dopustili korištenje cookie-a kako je i napisano i našoj Politika privatnosti i cookie pravila.