Predlošci e-pošte za napuštene košarice pomažu u smanjenju stope napuštanja u e-trgovinama, angažirajući klijente da dovrše kupnju. Sadrže strategije, primjere i često postavljana pitanja. Isprobajte besplatno uz LiveAgent.
Napuštena košarica oduvijek je bila jedan od najvećih izazova s kojima su se morali suočiti internetski trgovci. Zapravo, Statista je otkrio da je globalna stopa napuštanja košarica u 2019. bila 69,57%. Ovako visoka stopa napuštanja košarica jednaka je velikom potencijalnom gubitku prihoda za mnoge tvrtke.
Iako je nemoguće u potpunosti eliminirati napuštanje košarice, možete ga smanjiti nizom ključnih taktika i strategija, poput olakšavanja procesa plaćanja, pružanja proaktivne podrške za chat uživo na stranici za odjavu i slanja poruka o napuštenim košaricama koji se trude dovršiti postupak odjave.
Napuštene e-pošte s košaricama jedna su od najučinkovitijih e-poruka koje generiraju prihod i koje trgovci mogu poslati svojim potencijalnim klijentima. Prema Moosend-u, otvara se 45% svih poruka e-pošte o napuštanju košarice, klika se 21% svih poruka e-pošte o napuštanju košarice, a 50% tih klikova dovodi do oporavljene kupnje. To znači da možete vratiti gotovo 11% kupaca jednostavnim podsjećanjem na njihova napuštena kolica.
Izrada e-poruka o napuštanju košarica koje privlače pozornost i koje se pretvaraju može biti izazov. Evo 10 osnovnih primjera predložaka e-pošte s napuštenom košaricom za kupnju koje možete koristiti u marketinškim kampanjama putem e-pošte kako biste poboljšali stopu napuštanja košarice i osvojili potencijalne kupce i kupce koji su napustili svoje košarice.
I noticed that you added some [Brand] items to your cart but have yet to check out.
I just wanted to make sure all your questions are answered, and that you’re not having any problems with the checkout process.
I’m committed to doing everything I can to help you out. If you’re having trouble placing your order online or have any questions, simply reply to this email. Otherwise, you can finish your check out here:
I look forward to hearing from you.
Did you know that you’re eligible for free shipping?
Not everyone gets this offer. Lucky you! Simply use this code [code number] at checkout and get your package delivered free of charge.
[cart details]
Trouble checking out? We’re here to help! For any questions, just email us at [email address] or call us at [phone number] Monday through Friday 8 am – 6 pm EST.
We noticed that you left some great stuff in your cart. To make it worth your while, here’s a 10% discount off of your entire purchase if you complete your order in the next 24 hours.
Just enter this code [coupon code] at checkout! But hurry as this code will expire shortly …
Here’s a reminder of what you added to your cart:
[cart details]
Issues? Just call us at [phone number] or drop us an email at [email address].
Did you leave something behind?
Oh yes, you did. A bunch of your favorites from your wishlist are still waiting in your cart.
Now is your chance to complete the order — the clock is ticking and we can’t hold them for you any longer. The demand is simply too high.
[countdown timer]
[cart details]
Don’t miss this opportunity.
What happened? You almost ordered:
[cart details]
We’ve got a special deal for you! Use discount code [code number] when you checkout and save 10% on your order. The deal is available to you for the next 48 hours. Click this link to head back to your cart and grab your discount:
P.S. If the discount coupon doesn’t work, simply notify us by responding to this email. We will resolve it.
It’s been a while since you left your shopping bag. Come back and show it some love. A simple click will do, and it’s all yours.
[cart details]
Here are some recommendations. Just for you.
[personalized product recommendations]
Having trouble checking out? Email us at [email address] or give us a call at [phone number].
Your shopping cart is about to expire. Still thinking about purchasing these items?
[Cart details]
If you still can’t decide, check out some reviews from recent purchasers:
[Review 1]
[Review 2]
[Review 3]
[More reviews]
Questions? Concerns? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Heads up! To make your life easier we’ve saved the items that you recently put in your cart. Hurry back before they sell out! (Side note: shipping and returns are always free, so there’s no harm in just going for it.)
Here’s what you picked:
[cart details]
If you’re on the fence or have any questions, call us at [phone number] or email us at [email address] – we’re around 24 hours, 7 days a week.
P.S. Take a peek at WHAT’S NEW THIS WEEK at []
This is [Name] from [Company]. How’s it going?
I saw you left some products in your cart but didn’t put the order through. Did you need any assistance?
By the way, I really like [item/ items a customer picked], great choice!
If you need anything – let me know, I’m happy to help. Just shoot me an email. You can return to your cart by clicking the button below:
I hope this helps.
Looks like you left some [items] in your shopping cart on our site. Please, allow me to transport you back to your shopping cart. Free of charge.
Feel free to click literally any link in this email. They all go back to your shopping cart.
If you have any questions or need a hand, just reply to this email and a customer service Ninja will help you out.
Na ovo pitanje postoji samo jedan odgovor, a odgovor je, da! Prema podacima o napuštanju košarica, robne marke e-trgovine gube 18 milijardi dolara godišnjeg prihoda od prodaje jer potencijalni kupci napuštaju trgovine bez dovršetka narudžbi (izvor). Osim što ćete smanjiti stopu napuštanja košarice, trebali biste se usredotočiti i na stvaranje i provedbu temeljite strategije napuštanja košarice.
To bi moglo biti iznenađenje, ali prosječna stopa napuštanja kolica u svim industrijama je gotovo 70%. Svaki 7 od 10 potencijalnih klijenata ne dovrši proces kupnje (izvor). To ne znači da je u redu dosegnuti tu mjeru, ali možete biti sigurni da je to normalan izazov s kojim se mora suočiti svako poduzeće u e-trgovini.
Pošaljite jednu e-poruku koja podsjeća potencijalnog klijenta na artikle u košarici, ali nemojte biti previše napadni ili neželjeni. Uostalom, ne želite da se neki vrijedni kontakti otkažu iz vaše marketinške komunikacije samo zato što ste previše uporni.
Free 14-day trial with no credit card input?
That's right! Save our abandoned cart email templates and start sending them out directly from LiveAgent. Find out just how easy it is today!
Otkrijte prednosti korištenja predložaka za poslovni email! Naša stranica nudi raznovrsne predloške za emailove - od pozivnica na razgovor do promotivnih kampanja za blagdane. Uštedite vrijeme i resurse uz prilagodljive predloške za sve vrste poslovnih svrha. Posjetite nas i unaprijedite svoje email kampanje s lakoćom!
Predlošci e-pošte za prodaju proizvoda
Prilagodljivi predlošci e-pošte za prodaju proizvoda! Povećajte prodaju u e-trgovini uz učinkovite kampanje. Isprobajte besplatno u LiveAgentu!"
Email predlošci za resetiranje lozinke
Pronađite profesionalne email predloške za resetiranje lozinke! Olakšajte korisnicima pristup računima uz sigurnosne upute i primjere.
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