Predlošci za popratne emailove nakon kupnje pomažu u poboljšanju prodaje i zadržavanju klijenata. Automatizirajte ih pomoću LiveAgent softvera i izbjegnite greške poput slanja previše emailova ili nedostatka personalizacije.
Zaboraviti poslati popratni email je jedna od najgorih grešaka koje profesionalni prodavači i marketari mogu uraditi u pristupu potencijalnim kupcima. Prečesto se fokusiraju na osnovni impuls i potpuno zaborave popratiti ga. Fascinantnih 70% emailova za prodaju nije popraćeno, iako čak 80% dogovora zahtjeva barem pet kontaktiranja prije sklapanja.
Održavanje kontakta s potencijalnim klijentima uvijek pomaže u poboljšanju stope odgovora i sklapanju više prodaja. Zapravo, popratni emailovi obično imaju bolju stopu odgovora nego inicijalni. Istraživanje koje je proveo Iko System je pokazalo stopu odgovora od 18% za prvi email, 14% za drugi, 13% za četvrti i masivnih 27% za šesti. S pravim predlošcima za popratni email, vaši marketinški i prodajni timovi mogu osigurati stalniju komunikaciju s potencijalnim kupcima i dugoročno poboljšati prodaju.
Iako ne postoji univerzalna formula za najbolji broj popratnih emailova i koliko često ih slati (jer umnogome ovisi o vrsti prijašnje komunikacije koju ste imali s potencijalnim klijentom) – istraživanja pokazuju da su dva ili tri popratna emaila optimalan broj. Općenito se preporučuje pričekati barem dva dana prije slanja prvog popratnog emaila.
Statistički, ako ne dobijete odgovor na svoj prvi email, imate 21% šanse za dobiti odgovor na drugi i 25% šanse da će vam se primatelj eventualno javiti nakon par popratnih poruka. Ponekad treba pet ili više popratnih emailova kako bi dobili odgovor od potencijalnog klijenta.
Personalizacija je ključni dio email marketinga jer može pomoći da se vaši popratni emailovi ističu. Istraživanja otkrivaju da emailovi s personaliziranim naslovima imaju 26% veću šansu da budu otvoreni u odnosu na one s nepersonaliziranim naslovom, te da je prihod od emailova koji uključuju personalizaciju 5.7 puta veći.
Odlučiti kako nastaviti komunikaciju s potencijalnim klijentima koji nisu odgovorili na vaš inicijalni email može biti nezgodno jer morate naći pravi balans između prave ponude i ostavljanja dojma da ste naporni. Imamo 10 osnovnih email predložaka za popratni email kupnje za različite slučajeve korištenja koje možete koristiti kao bazu prije kreiranja vlastitih predložaka.
Također smo uključili predložak prekidne e-pošte u slučaju da vam se klijent neko vrijeme ne javi .
I’ve noticed that you have read my last email and visited our website. I hope this isn’t an overstep, but I just wanted to make sure you found what you were looking for, and wanted to see if you had any questions.
As I stated in my previous email, I believe [Product] can help [their Company] to [your value proposition].
Please let me know when is a good time for you, so I can hop on a call and walk you through how companies like [customer 1] and [customer 2] have benefited from our tool.
If you are not the right person to discuss this with, who would you recommend I talk to?
I look forward to hearing back from you.
I know I’ve already shared some information about [product or service] with you a while ago, but I thought you might be interested to learn about a new deal [Company] is offering right now.
[Details of the deal]
This deal is currently available through [end date]. If you’d like to hear about this in more detail, please let me know. I would happily spend 15 mins telling you everything you need to know.
The last time we discussed [value proposition] you suggested that it wasn’t the right time, asking me to connect some time around the end of the year.
So, should we pick up from where we left off? I’d be happy to do a quick review of our proposal on the phone and answer any pending questions.
Eager to hear back from you!
I left you a voicemail earlier today to schedule a time to demo [Product]. We’re excited to show you how we help our clients [achieve their goals].
I mentioned that I’d call again on [date and time], but feel free to reach me whenever works best for you at [phone number] or shoot me an email.
It was great connecting with you at [event name]. I hope you got a ton of value from the sessions.
I wanted to follow up with you since you expressed interest in learning more about [product/ service/ company]. Would you be open to scheduling a quick call this week to discuss it further? I’d love to learn more about your company’s needs in this area and how we can help you achieve your goals.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Hope you’re doing well. It’s been a few months since you tried [Product], so I thought I’d check-in and see how things were going at [their Company].
I know that sometimes our trial users don’t end up signing up because the timing isn’t right for them, and many consider [Product] to be a better investment after they’ve grown.
I want to offer you another free 15-day trial with no strings attached. Simply click here to activate your extended trial now.
If you have any questions or need assistance, just hit ‘Reply’ and let me know – I’m always happy to help.
Thank you for your time yesterday and sharing more insights on what you are trying to achieve and the challenges you are facing. We understand the bigger picture and we’re happy that the demo gave you a better idea of how [Product] will help you reach your goals.
Ultimately, here are 3 main things [Product] will help you to accomplish:
[Feature #1]: Will allow you to [meet X goal]
[Feature #2]: Will help you [with Y challenge]
[Feature #3]: Will mitigate [Z issue]
As promised, I’ve attached additional information about [specific feature] that you asked about.
The next step is [action item]. Just let me know if you have any questions and I’d be more than happy to chat again. Also, feel free to give me a call at [number].
This is [your name] checking in about the guest post pitch I emailed a couple of weeks ago. I understand that you are having a busy week, so I thought I’d drop you a line and ask. Have you had a chance to look at it?
I’m excited to hear back from you! Let me know if you’d like me to add/remove something from the pitch.
I won’t take up too much of your time. If I don’t hear back from someone, I know it’s usually because they’re either busy, not interested, or missing my emails. Could you please hit a quick reply and let me know 1 / 2 / 3 so that I could update your file?
1 – Too busy right now, email me again in a month.
2 – Not interested, please leave me alone.
3 – Haven’t seen previous emails.
I’m going through my contacts and realized that I haven’t heard back from you about [product/ offer], which usually means one of two things: either the timing may not be right or you no longer have a need.
In either case, I don’t want to keep bothering you. Would it be alright if I closed your file with us? Otherwise, if you would still like to talk, let me know a good time.
I feel strongly that [their Company] could benefit from our [Product/ Service] but I’ve struggled to get a hold of you lately.
This can mean only one thing – your office has become subsumed by a zombie outbreak. Fret not – if you provide a number corresponding with the one of the below options (#1-4), I’ll know exactly how to respond:
1) There’s a zombie gnawing on my leg as I speak. Please send over anyone you know with zombie-killing experience.
2) No zombies on my side but I’m interested in chatting for 5 minutes at ___ (please let me know a date/time that works for you).
3) The timing isn’t great now but please reach back out in 3 weeks.
4) You irritate me more than zombies ever could. Please go away.
Looking forward to hearing from you, [Name],
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Predlošci za popratni email nakon prijave
Otkrijte kako napisati učinkovit popratni email nakon prijave za posao uz korisne savjete i besplatne predloške. Istaknite se među kandidatima i povećajte šanse za zapošljavanje!
Predlošci za popratne emailove
Besplatni predlošci za popratne emailove koji osiguravaju pozitivan dojam i poslovni uspjeh. Kopirajte i prilagodite ih svom stilu!
Predlošci popratnih emailova za kandidate poslije intervjua
Predlošci za popratne emailove nakon intervjua: održite profesionalni imidž tvrtke i poboljšajte veze s kandidatima. Saznajte više.
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