Naučite odgovarati na korisničke povratne informacije s 10 besplatnih predložaka za poboljšanje korisničkog iskustva. Odgovaranje na recenzije ključno je za percepciju i ugled vaše tvrtke te utječe na odluke o kupnji.
Iako je sve više tvrtki prepoznalo važnost dosljednog prikupljanja i analize povratnih informacija korisnika, većina se i dalje bori s implementacijom učinkovitog sustava praćenja povratnih informacija, a još manje njih ima jasnu strategiju za rješavanje negativnih povratnih informacija. Evo zašto i kako biste trebali odgovoriti na povratne informacije korisnika, i negativne i pozitivne, zajedno s 10 predložaka odgovora za povratne informacije koje možete koristiti kao polazište pri izradi vlastitih odgovora.
Iako je praćenje povratnih informacija koje su korisnici pružili putem anketa i upitnika važno (jer im pokazuje da cijenite njihova mišljenja i otvoreni ste za njihove prijedloge) odgovaranje na javne recenzije još je kritičnije. Prema podacima koje je prikupio Invesp, 90% korisnika čita online recenzije prije posjeta poslovnoj web stranici, a 88% korisnika vjeruje tim mišljenjima koliko i osobnim preporukama.
BrightLocal-ovo lokalno istraživanje o pregledu potrošača također je otkrilo da među potrošačima koji čitaju recenzije, 97% čita odgovore tvrtki na recenzije. Način na koji reagirate može promijeniti percepciju korisnika o vašem poslovanju, utjecati na ugled vaše robne marke i utjecati na odluke o kupnji potencijalnih korisnika.
S kojom god vrstom povratnih informacija korisnika imali posla – pozitivnom, negativnom ili neutralnom – posjedovanje gotovih povratnih informacija predložaka odgovora može uvelike olakšati proces odgovora na njih. Ispod je 10 primjera predložaka odgovora za povratne informacije koje možete upotrijebiti ili se nadahnuti da napišete vlastiti:
Thank you for choosing us as your dedicated [product description] provider.
We are extremely grateful that you took the time to send us your feedback about our [Product/ Service]. I read through your feedback carefully, and consider your suggestions to be very insightful. I will pass it on to our product development team to see if they could implement any of these changes in the upcoming releases. I’ll be sure to keep you updated.
Thanks once again and looking forward to hearing more from you.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with [Product/ Company]. Your feedback helps us improve our product/ service for everyone.
If you’d like to discuss how we could’ve made your experience better, please call us at [phone number] or reply to this email. We look forward to hearing from you!
Thanks again,
We are incredibly grateful that you took the time out to share your feedback with [Company/ Product/ Service]. Customer satisfaction is our top priority and we are thrilled that you enjoyed your experience – it means the world to our entire team!
We look forward to serving you again soon.
We’re so happy that you are pleased with [Product/ Service]. [Company name] strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to know we have accomplished just that.
Thank you for your feedback and for bringing this to our attention. I’m so sorry to hear of your less than satisfactory experience with [Product/ Service] and hope you will accept our sincerest apologies.
Could you please let me know what specific issues you’ve encountered? I’d love to help where I can and pass along your suggestions to our team, but I need just a bit more information from you.
I understand how disappointing it can be [to sign up for a service/ purchase a product] and not have it meet your expectations, so hopefully, we can get this sorted out. If not, I’ll be happy to issue you a refund.
Please give us a call at [phone number] or reply to this email with more information so that we can make things right for you.
Thank you for your business,
We’re so sorry to hear your experience was less than 5-stars and did not meet your expectations. Please help us improve by providing us with more information. If you’re open to discussing your experience further, we can be reached at [phone number/ email address].
We cannot find any record of you in our system and your review violates [Review Site] policies so we have flagged it for removal.
If you are using another name that is not recorded in our database, please feel free to reach out to us. For any other questions or concerns, you are welcome to contact us at [email address/ phone number].
Thank you so much for the excellent feedback. We are happy that you enjoyed your experience with us. You’re right, [Team Member] is always going above and beyond to ensure our customers receive the best possible service they can. We’ll be sure to share your praises with them.
Looking forward to serving you again soon!
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I’d like to sincerely apologize for the experience you had with [Agent Name]. We strive for excellence in customer service, but it’s clear we missed the mark in your case.
As a result of your feedback, we are providing our team with additional customer service training to prevent similar situations from happening in the future.
That being said, if there’s anything else that I can help you with at the moment, please feel free to reach out and I would be more than happy to help. We do appreciate your business and hope to earn back your trust.
Thanks again,
Thank you for taking the time to complete our recent survey. Your responses will help us serve you and our other users in the future. We truly value your feedback and look forward to hearing more from you more often.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, concerns, or further suggestions, don’t hesitate to let us know by replying to this email – we’ll be happy to help!
Dobra povratna informacija korisnika je kada ljudi uzimaju vremena da izraze svoje misli o proizvodu koji koriste. Važno je znati što korisnici misle o Vašem proizvodu i kako ga poboljšati.
Postoje dvije vrste povratnih informacija korisnika: tražene i neželjene. Tražene povratne informacije su informacije koje tražite od korisnika. Povratne informacije možete zatražiti putem anketa, intervjua za posao pri izlasku i upitnika. Neželjene povratne informacije su informacije koje korisnici pružaju bez vašeg zahtjeva. Također možete dobiti neželjene povratne informacije od korisnika promatranjem odgovora korisnika na vaš proizvod ili uslugu.
Ako su korisnici zadovoljni vašom korisničkom službom i uslugom koju pružate, vjerojatnije je da će preporučiti vašu tvrtku svojim prijateljima. A kada su korisnici zadovoljni, vjerojatno će biti odani i nastaviti podržavati vaše poslovanje.
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Discover all that LiveAgent help desk software has to offer. Save our feedback response email templates, and send them out directly from your agent panel.
Predlošci za odgovor na pozitivnu recenziju na društvenim medijima
Discover templates for responding to positive social media reviews to strengthen customer relationships and enhance brand loyalty. This page offers examples and emphasizes the importance of thanking clients, optimizing products, and making informed business decisions. Visit to improve your customer interaction strategy!
Email predlošci za zahtjev za povratnim informacijama
Otključajte moć povratnih informacija s besplatnim email predlošcima LiveAgent. Poboljšajte odnose s klijentima kroz personalizirane ankete i upitnike, te unaprijedite usluge i proizvode. Isprobajte LiveAgent i izgradite snažne veze s klijentima uz jednostavne i kreativne email zahtjeve za povratnim informacijama!
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