Predlošci za email opomene su ključni za sprječavanje gubitka prihoda zbog neuspjelih plaćanja. LiveAgent omogućava kreiranje personaliziranih predložaka s jasnim pozivom na akciju. Saznajte više o praksama i primjerima za poboljšanje zadržavanja klijenata.
Neuspjele naplate su nesretna stvarnost za većinu SaaS i poslova baziranih na pretplati, te im uzrokuju gubitak oko 9% mjesečnog prihoda u prosjeku. Srećom, većina neuspješnih plaćanja se događa nenamjerno. Klijent obično i ne sazna sve dok ne dobije email opomene. Iako to može biti prilično frustrirajuće iskustvo za vaš tim i vaše klijente, možete efikasno koristiti dobro napisan email opomene kako bi spriječili nenamjerni odljev i vratili izgubljeni prihod. Ispod su neke od ključnih točaka koje morate zapamtiti kada sastavljate i šaljete emailove opomene vašim klijentima, zajedno s nekim efikasnim predlošcima email opomena, temeljenima na slučajevim iz stvarnog života i spremnima za upotrebu.
Emailovi opomene su vrsta transakcijskih emailova (obično niza emailova) poslanih od strane SaaS i poslovanja temeljenih na pretplati kako bi obavijestili klijente o problemima pri plaćanju, kao što su neuspješno plaćanje pretplate, istekle kreditne kartice ili neplaćene obveze. Ovi emailovi obično obavještavaju korisnike o stanju njihovih računa i pružaju im opciju da ažuriraju svoje opcije plaćanja i naprave uplatu kako bi nastavili koristiti proizvod ili uslugu. Emailovi opomene su efikasan način za smanjiti odljev klijenata i povećati zadržavanje.
Čak i kad su vaši emailovi opomene potpuno automatizirani, ako ih pošalje stvarna osoba, izgledat će ljudskije i vjerodostojnije te će biti primijećeni. Istraživanje je otkrilo da korištenje imena pojedinca umjesto općenite email adrese ili imena kompanije može povećati stopu otvaranja emaila za do 35%.
Uvjerite se da ste poslali vaše emailove opomene s email adrese na koju vaši klijenti mogu poslati odgovor ako se sretnu s nekim problemima ili žele postaviti dodatna pitanja. Adrese na koje se ne može poslati odgovor mogu samo pogoršati frustraciju klijenata, jer im niste olakšali da vam se vrate ako to žele.
Umjesto jednostavnog obavještavanja klijenta da je njihovo plaćanje neuspješno i zahtjeva da ažuriraju detalje o kreditnoj kartici, možete dodati osjećaj hitnosti. Podsjetite ih što točno mogu izgubiti ako ne izvrše potrebnu radnju (kao na primjer gubitak pristupa računu i podacima, prekid usluge i slično).
Jasan poziv na akciju je jedan od najvažnijih dijelova emailova opomene. Dodajte direktni link koji će odvesti klijente na ažuriranje informacija o plaćanju bez otvaranja drugog prozora, prijavljivanja ili klikanja naokolo. Uvjerite se da ste im dali do znanja koliko vremena imaju prije nego njihov račun bude deaktiviran, ako ne plate.
Temeljeno na vašim modelima plaćanja, možete ponuditi klijentima drugo rješenje umjesto gašenja njihovog računa, kao na primjer prelazak na besplatni plan dok ne ažuriraju svoje podatke o plaćanju ili im ponudite poseban popust za nastavak korištenja vaše usluge. Ova alternativa može biti bitna ako je plaćanje bilo neuspješno zbog nedovoljnih sredstava.
Hi [Name],
As a heads up, the payment information we have on file for your [Product/ Service] subscription (card ending in [4 digits]) is going to expire in a few days. Unfortunately, if we don’t have a valid card, we will have to cancel your subscription.
If you’ve got 30 seconds, would you mind updating your payment information?
Update Now
If you have any questions, simply reply to this email or send us a message on live chat.
Thanks so much!
Hi [Name],
We’re having trouble processing your recent payment because your credit card expired.
Would you mind updating your card information? It will only take a couple of minutes of your time. Click here to edit your info.
If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us any time. You can also check out our FAQ page for more information.
Design your own dunning emails
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Hi [Name],
There was an error when we tried to bill your credit card ending in [four digits] for your subscription to [Product/ Service]. Here’s why this may be happening:
A billing error caused by your bank
A change in your billing address
Your credit card has expired
Insufficient funds in your account
Because you are a loyal customer of [Brand], you have seven days to rectify this issue. Please update your billing information to keep your account active. It will only take 1 minute and will allow you to keep using [Product/ Service] at its full potential.
Update Billing Information
Unfortunately, if we still cannot successfully bill your credit card after seven days, your [Product/ Service] account will be suspended. You can reactivate your account at any time by updating your billing information with a valid credit card.
Let us know if you have any questions or need any help.
Hey [Name],
I got a notification that your [Product/ Service] payment failed. How unfortunate! Luckily, this happens to a lot more users than you’d think, so don’t beat yourself up about it.
Usually, it has something to do with:
Your card expiring
Having insufficient funds or maxing out your daily spending limit
Your card is stolen, lost, or was eaten by your dog
Update My Billing Info
Please check what’s up and get it fixed so we can get back to growing your business by [benefits your product/ service provides].
Hi [Name],
[Name] here from [Brand].
I’m reaching out about your account as billing for your [Product/ Service] subscription was unsuccessful. It seems that the credit card we have on file expired. But no worries, I’m here to assist!
We have two options:
1. Update your credit card information inside your [Product/ Service]] account. You can use this quick link to update your credit card information: [payment link]. Once done, let me know so I can ensure your subscription has been updated successfully.
2. Give me a call at [phone number], and we can process your payment over the phone.
Let me know what else we can help with. Super happy that you’re part of the [Brand] community.
Thanks, and I look forward to connecting!
Hey [Name],
Just a friendly heads up that your [Product/ Service] subscription has been officially paused until you update your payment details with us.
If you don’t …
Your subscription will remain paused.
You’ll lose access to your premium features like [feature 1, feature 2, etc.]
[…] won’t be able to continue.
However, you can avoid all that by taking 30 seconds to update your details: billing link.
Reply here or hop onto live chat if you have any questions or need any help.
And as always, thanks so much for using [Product/ Service]. We love what we do, and people like you make that all possible.
Hi [Name],
It looks like your subscription payment for [Product/ Service] didn’t go through. Please update your billing information, and we’ll give it another try.
Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.
Hi [Name],
We just tried to process your subscription payment again, but unfortunately, it didn’t go through. To keep your [Product/ Service] subscription active, please update your information in your billing settings here:
This is the second time that your payment failed. We’ll automatically try again in a few days. Let us know if you have any questions.
Hi [Name],
We just tried to process your [Product/ Service] subscription payment for the third time, but unfortunately, it failed once again. You can update your information in your billing settings:
We’ll automatically try again next week. If the next charge fails again, your account will be canceled automatically. 🙁
Let us know if you have any questions or need any help.
Hi [Name],
We will cancel your subscription to [Product/ Service] soon because we could not process a payment after several attempts to contact you.
If you receive this email, please update your payment information, and we’ll be happy to keep your account active.
Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
Many business owners feel uncomfortable when they have to send out dunning emails to their customers. However, since most failed payments typically happen by accident (e.g., due to credit card expiry), dunning emails can genuinely be efficient in helping businesses recover failed payments and reduce involuntary churn.
As transactional emails can often get overlooked, sending a single dunning email is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. If you want to recover more revenue from failed payments, consider sending out a series of emails instead of a single message. It’s recommended to send at least three follow-up emails for a month, each with a slightly different text.
Since technologies like credit card retries have come into use, many failed payments can be automatically handled without your team ever needing to bother your customers with pre-dunning messages. In that case, pre-dunning emails are not only providing zero-value but can also be irritating for your customers and, therefore, should be avoided.
Predlošci e-pošte za obnavljanje
Otkrijte 10 visoko konvertirajućih predložaka email-ova za obnovu članstva kako biste unaprijedili zadržavanje kupaca i održali dugoročne odnose. Poboljšajte svoje kampanje obnavljanja uz LiveAgent resurse i potaknite korisnike da ostanu uz vaš brend.
Predlošci za marketinški email
Otkrijte moćne predloške za marketinške emailove na LiveAgentu koji će vam pomoći privući i zadržati klijente te povećati prodaju. Pregledajte i prilagodite 10 ključnih predložaka za vaše kampanje. Isprobajte besplatno i unaprijedite svoj email marketing uz LiveAgent softver.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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