LiveAgent nudi predloške emailova za praćenje događaja kako bi se poboljšala interakcija nakon događaja i izgradile značajnije veze s publikom. Iskoristite ih za podizanje angažmana, prikupljanje povratnih informacija i unapređenje budućih događaja.
Jednom kada je događaj koji ste organizirali završio, način na koji ispratite polaznike događaja (i ispratite li ih uopće) može napraviti razliku između dugoročnog utjecaja vašeg događaja i potrošene prilike. Baš kao pozivnice na događaj i podsjetnici na događaj, praćenja poslije događaja su bitna za organizaciju offline kao i virtualnih događaja. To je odlična prilika da izgradite bolje i značajnije veze sa svojom publikom, popravite angažman i dobijete vrijedne uvide u to koliko dobar je vaš događaj bio i što možete uraditi da idući događaj budu još uspješniji. Ispod smo naveli neke od najboljih praksi za slanje emailova praćenja poslije događaja, zajedno s deset primjera za praćenje događaja koje vaš prodajni tim može koristiti za kampanje praćenja poslije događaja.
Zahvalite svojim polaznicima
Započnite sa zahvalom svojoj publici jer su našli vremena za vaš događaj. Također je odlična ideja kratko sažeti temu događaja kako bi podsjetili sudionike na koristi koje su imali i ohrabrili ih da sudjeluju i u budućim događajima.
Uključite korisne resurse kao što su snimke govora, slajdovi s ključnim tezama, fotografije i videa. Možete i kreirati blog post s presjekom vrhunaca događaja i uključiti bilo koji bitan sadržaj koji polaznici mogu iskoristiti za utvrđivanje znanja koje su dobili i podijeliti ga s kolegama u uredu.
Zatražite konstruktivne povratne informacije koje mogu biti korisne za obje strane. To vam omogućuje da ponovno zainteresirate polaznike događaja i izgradite osjećaj zajedništva. Također je i odličan način za dobivanje dubljeg uvida u to kako optimizirati i poboljšati svoje buduće događaje.
Što je vaša segmentacija bolja i detaljnija (osim polaznici – ne-polaznici), bolji će biti i ishodi vaših poruka poslije događaja. Dodatno, točna segmentacija vašeg popisa polaznika također omogućava bolju personalizaciju vaših emailova praćenja poslije događaja.
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Hi [Name],
On behalf of the entire [Company name/ Event organizer] team, I wanted to thank you for attending [Event Title]. We hope you enjoyed the event and that you felt like it was a worthwhile investment of your time, energy, and money.
You can find resources and recaps here, including photos from the day, recorded speeches, and related blog content.
Be sure to sign up on [website] so you can be the first to know about future events.
If I can be of any assistance, whether you are interested in learning more about [Company name/ Event organizer], have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to drop me a line.
Thanks again for making [Event Title] a success!
Hi [Name],
That you so much for attending [Event Title]! We hope you enjoyed your experience and learned some valuable insights you can implement in your business right away.
In case you’d like to refresh your memory, you can access the recordings here. Please feel free to pass these along to colleagues who may be interested. We are looking forward to seeing you next time!
Hi [Name],
We missed you at [Event Title], sorry you weren’t able to attend. However, it was inspiring to have so many like-minded people in the same virtual room, talking and sharing tips on [event topic].
The good news is that we recorded the event, so you can still take advantage of everything we learned. Click here to watch the recording.
We hope to catch you live next time we gather.
Hi [Name],
Thanks so much for joining us today at [Event Title]!
I noticed you dropped off halfway through the event. If you’d like to check out what the second half was all about, here’s the link to the recorded sessions. You can check those out whenever you have some free time.
If you dropped off because you felt like you weren’t getting value, do you mind sharing some feedback about what we could do better? I want to make sure our events are helpful, and your input is exactly what we need to make that happen.
I would appreciate any feedback you have.
Thanks again!
Hi [Name],
Thanks so much for joining us today at [Event Title]!
I noticed you checked in a little late, but I’m glad you were able to catch the last part of the event. The first half was packed with some meaningful information, so if you’d like to rewind and catch up, here’s the recording for you: link to the recorded sessions.
Is there anything you were hoping to learn at the event that you didn’t hear about? I’m here to get you answers and more info whenever you need it.
Looking forward to seeing you at future events!
Hi [Name],
The [Webinar Title] webinar has ended. Thank you for your participation.
As we mentioned during the webinar, we’ll share the recording along with the slides and other helpful resources in the next few days. So look out for a follow-up email containing this information.
We hope to see you among the attendees at future events!
Hi [Name],
Thanks again for attending [Webinar Title] on [date]. Hopefully, your time with us was worth it. As promised, we’re sending a recording of the webinar as well as the slides and additional resources you may find helpful:
Webinar recording
Webinar slides
Additional resources
Please feel free to pass these along to colleagues who may be interested.
We hope to see you again!
Hi [Name],
So sorry you weren’t able to attend our webinar [Webinar Title].
We don’t want you to miss out, so we’re sending a recording of the webinar as well as the slides and additional resources that you might find helpful:
Webinar recording
Webinar slides
Additional resources
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out – we can always schedule a quick phone call.
We hope to see you at our future events!
Hi [Name],
I checked the stats and noticed you registered for the [Webinar Title] but didn’t attend.
During the webinar, I spent about [x] minutes teaching the specific, actionable strategy we’ve been using to [achieve specific goals]. I then walked everyone through a case study showing how we managed to [get specific results] for one of our customers.
The feedback that’s coming in since the webinar finished has been incredible, so I thought I’d send you a recording so you can watch it whenever is convenient for you: link to the webinar recording.
If you’d like to know more about how you can implement the ideas discussed during the webinar in [their Company], drop me a line, and we could schedule a call for a quick conversation this week.
Talk soon,
Hi [Name],
Thank you for attending [Event Title] – it was a pleasure hosting you today. I hope you’ve gained lots of valuable insights for your business! In case you missed something during the event, no worries. We’ll send out recordings and slides in a few days – keep your eyes on your inbox.
In the meantime, we would very much appreciate you taking a few moments to leave your feedback through a brief survey. That will help to ensure our future events are even more exciting and valuable.
Submit Your Feedback
Thanks again, and looking forward to seeing you next time!
Ne ispratiti publiku nakon događaja je jedna od najvećih greški koje možete napraviti. Slanje poruka poslije događaja je bitno za održavanje dugoročnih veza s polaznicima događaja, povećanje prisutnosti na vašem idućem događaju, njegovanje potencijalnih klijenata i konvertiranje što više njih.
Kada je vaš događaj završio, uvijek je bolje poslati email što je prije moguće. Idealno bi bilo unutar prva 24 sata, dok su detalji događaja još svježi u umovima polaznika. To osigurava da imate bolju šansu ponovno zainteresirati sudionike i efektivno pretvoriti potencijal u prodaju.
Ispratiti one koji se nisu pojavili je jednako bitno kao i ispratiti polaznike. Kada sastavljate svoj email poslije događaja za one koji nisu sudjelovali, možete jednostavno reći da vam je žao što se nisu uspjeli pridružiti, poslati im linkove za materijale, ohrabriti ih da prate vaše iduće događaje i ponuditi pomoć ako im treba.
Predlošci za marketinški email
Otkrijte moćne predloške za marketinške emailove na LiveAgentu koji će vam pomoći privući i zadržati klijente te povećati prodaju. Pregledajte i prilagodite 10 ključnih predložaka za vaše kampanje. Isprobajte besplatno i unaprijedite svoj email marketing uz LiveAgent softver.
Djelujte u pravom trenutku sa softverom za praćenje korisnika
Pratite korisnike, poboljšajte prodaju i korisničko iskustvo uz LiveAgent softver. Besplatno probno razdoblje bez kreditne kartice!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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