Što su odnosi s kupcima?
Customer relationship - the way in which a business and its customers feel and behave towards each other over a period of time, and the effect of this on the business.
Odnos s kupcima posebna je vrsta odnosa. Počinje kada se kupac počne baviti vašom tvrtkom. Svaka je tvrtka odgovorna za izgradnju zadovoljstva i odanosti kupaca. Svaka interakcija kupaca s tvrtkom ima utjecaj na klijente. Odnos uključuje prodajnu podršku, tehničku podršku i marketinšku komunikaciju. Odnosi s kupcima mogu se mjeriti zadovoljstvom korisnika.
Benefits of good customer relationships:
- Competitive advantage
- Customer retention
- Customer loyalty
- Increased revenue
- New customers
- Brand awareness
- Customer satisfaction
What are the principles of good customer relationships?
- Active listening
- Showing empathy
- Personalized customer experience
- Understanding/knowing your customers – CRM system
How do you build customer relationships?
Automate processes
Kako bi zadržala kupce, vaša tvrtka mora uspostaviti procese automatizacije.
Let’s divide them into categories to explain this. There can be “internal automation” and “external automation”. Internal automation is to make the internal processes work smoothly. For example, for different departments/agents, you can set Automated ticket distribution in LiveAgent. This helps your agents work efficiently.
S druge strane, stvaranje “eksterne automatizacije”, poput marketinga putem e-pošte, može vam pomoći da ostanete u kontaktu sa svojim kupcima. Oba procesa automatizacije imaju jednu zajedničku stvar, a to je da vam pomažu zadržati kupce na različite načine.
Share customer data with different departments
To share customer data safely, you can use customer service software. This software will help you create SLAs, Rules, and more. Thus, the customer information will be only shared with employees/departments that are allowed to view this.
Personalize each customer experience
Evo nekoliko načina za stvaranje osobnog korisničkog iskustva:
- Call the customer by their first name
- Use the customer data for better customer experience
- Keep it positive
- Self-service option/experience
Communication is key in any relationship. So, it should not surprise you that it is no different from customer relationships. To establish these, you need to communicate with customers on many platforms. For instance: Facebook, Twitter, Email, or in real life. Everywhere you get a chance! This is where your customer service usually comes in.
How can customer service software help your customer relationships?
It can be difficult for customer service to take care of all customer inquiries. On top of that, they need to engage with customers on different posts on social media. Thus, having customer service software can help them prioritize the importance of tickets and still managing to answer the posts from Social Media or other platforms.
Customer service software, such as LiveAgent, can automatically distribute the tickets. Your company can set their preferences based on their needs. This ensures you engage with your customers while also answering regular customer inquiries.
If you would like to learn more about LiveAgent, read about all Features.
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Watch how to build customer relationship
Building strong customer relationships is vital for the success of any business. Just like in a committed relationship, it requires nurturing and meeting customer expectations. Utilizing customer service software streamlines support, resolves issues promptly, and tracks interactions, improving response times and providing personalized service. Investing in such tools demonstrates a commitment to meeting customer needs, strengthening relationships as the business grows.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a customer relationship?
The relationship with the client is a relationship between the client and the company. It begins when the customer starts to interact with a company. It doesn't have to be a purchase - it can be seeing an advertisement and the customer's first thought about the company and its products. Each company is responsible for building this relationship.
How to build customer relationships?
Communication is the basis for building good, qualitative relations with the client. That is the key. It contains the language and the way the company communicates with the client. Another important issue is exceeding customer expectations. If this happens, the customer is satisfied and willing to become a regular customer. The third idea is to ask the client questions about the company and ask for their opinion. The customer then understands that he is important to the company. Customer appreciation is also extremely important.
How to improve customer relationships?
In order to improve the relationship with the client, first of all, personalize communication with them. The customer must feel like an individual, not ‘one of many’. The client must feel that he is treated like a human being. An extremely important point is not only the implementation of promises made to the client, but also exceeding his expectations. An important plus is also the transparency of the company's activities.
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