Što je helpdesk sustav?
Help desk je mjesto odgovorno za rješavanje različitih problema i upita. Njime mogu upravljati pojedinci ili skupina stručnjaka. Koriste se helpdesk softverom kako bi pružili pomoć i odgovorili na tehnička pitanja. Oni komuniciraju s korisnicima putem različitih kanala kao što su telefon, online chat ili email.
Helpdesk softver nudi Vam mnoge funkcije i značajke – izvješća, gamifikaciju, chat uživo i još mnogo toga.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is helpdesk system?
The helpdesk system is a place of comprehensive customer service that ensures information is sent to customers who need help. It enables faster and more efficient resolution of customer complaints, thanks to the automatic process of dealing with complaints. It can be used both externally - for the company's clients, and internally - dedicated to employees.
What are the types of helpdesk system?
There are four main types of Helpdesks. The first is a web helpdesk, which is about cloud hosting or software as a service (SaaS), i.e. companies that can rent a subscription solution. Another kind is on premise helpdesk. It is used when the company owns and hosts the system and has full control of the support department. The third type is enterprise helpdesk, or helpdesk, which goes beyond answering customer inquiries, but also includes features that improve the company's performance. The last type is open source helpdesk. This type of helpdesk staff does not test user licenses or permissions to gain access to the source code.
How long does it take to implement helpdesk system?
The time it takes to implement the helpdesk depends on how long it will take you to determine how you will use technical support. In assessing the implementation time, you need to include: time to implement employees, time to create a technical helpdesk and planning how you will measure the efficiency of the helpdesk.
Ako ste zainteresirani za dublje razumijevanje pojma helpdesk, pročitajte naš članak o tome što je helpdesk i koje probleme može riješiti za vašu korisničku podršku. Također, saznajte kako upotreba helpdesk-a može poboljšati zadovoljstvo korisnika i povećati produktivnost vašeg tima. Za više informacija o softverskim alatima koji mogu unaprijediti vašu korisničku podršku, posjetite naš rječnik Live chat agenti. Ovdje možete istražiti koje vještine trebaju live chat agenti posjedovati i kako softver može poboljšati njihovu učinkovitost.
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